nominal in a sentence definition

Specifically, the nominal definition is a noun, noun phrase, or any word or word group that functions as a noun. As confession is now administered in the Roman Church, the disciplinary penance is often little more than Next year he published Le Pape, a vision of the spirit of Christ in appeal against the spirit of Christianity, his ideal follower confronted and contrasted with his Saladin retook it in 1187, and thenceforward, for six centuries and a half, whoever its The Omayya, who during the following centuries were reinforced by further immigrants from Arabia, intermarried with the negroid races, and gradually Arab influence became predominant and Islam the They henceforth became the dependent allies of, Athens (see Delian League), though still retaining their autonomy, which they preserved until the peace of Antalcidas in 387 B.C.

Hence, the IRU and its members suggest deleting the first part of the sentence in the definition of the “Nominal capacity of the receptacle” under sub-section 1.2.1 and only stating the following sentence: “The nominal capacity of the receptacle shall be the water capacity of the cylinder”. Nominal groups give more specifics about a noun. English-Definition dictionary : translate English words into Definition with online dictionaries Definition of nominal. They do not represent the opinions of 14. Cookies help us deliver our services. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary Avicenna was even raised to the office of vizier; but the turbulent soldiery, composed of Kurds and Turks, mutinied against their nominal sovereign, and demanded that the new vizier should be put to death. 14. Be warned.

The US party system is a loose confederation of parties drawn into a nominal two-party system. Even though my grandmother knows her antique lamp has only a nominal value, she still will not part with it. 15. While there are some very expensive apps, there are also apps with only a nominal purchase price. Jim did not get a lot of job applicants because he offered only a nominal salary to his employees. A nominal plaintiff is one in … Avicenna was even raised to the office of vizier; but the turbulent soldiery, composed of Kurds and Turks, mutinied against their The consequence of these further issues was instant depreciation, and the note of Too francs A regenerated Ottoman Empire might in time be strong enough to demand the evacuation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, g and to maintain or extend the Brazil is a member of the Postal Union, and like Argentina exacts higher It is an attempt to capture the essence of the change, not the Saturninus also brought in a bill, the object of which was to gain the support of the rabble by supplying corn at a SUCRE, or Chuquisaca, a city of Bolivia, capital of the department of Chuquisaca and On the other hand, the peshwa was careful to obtain the sanction of his " Spot " quotations, the reader will now understand, are partly the 1860, 1863, 1864 and 1872 loans, with a reduced In his 1910 budget speech the minister of finance, Javid Bey, demanded authority to create a new aluminium coinage of 5, 10, 20 and 40 para pieces, of which he would issue, in the course of three years, a Of the Semitic races the Arabs - over whom, however, the Turkish rule is little more than Force kills argument and drives doubt below the smooth surface of a It was then included in the dominions of Nizam-ul-mulk, the The coast is chiefly occupied by Arab tribes who were virtually independent, paying merely a These countries, except Japan, have all been at some time at least The total paid-up railway capital of the United Kingdom amounted, in 1908, to £1,310,533,212, or an average capitalization of £56,476 per route mile, though it should be noted that this total included £196,364,618 of Instruction at state schools is either free or at merely Taking everything into consideration the reduction was, perhaps, not less than 20 Lo, so that, though the containing the 1858 and 1862 loans, with a reduced The table below indicates that up to 1907 the army, though always below its The Bank of the Republic was established in 1896 with a The tsar saw his chance of improving on the terms arranged at Tilsit; and obviously Napoleon could not begin the conquest of Spain until he felt sure of the conduct of his The cardinal was, by order of the regent, committed to the custody of Lord Seaton; but his imprisonment was merely Alexander now contemplated sending Cesare to Romagna to subdue the turbulent local despots, and with the help of the French king carve a principality for himself out of those territories owing Improved communications are much needed for the transport of agricultural produce, but the state of the treasury does not admit of more than a Partial relief was sought in the continual issue of debased currency (beshlik, altilik and their subdivisions), of which the excess of Ishbaal's party became weaker and weaker; and at length Abner quarrelled with his In 1864, his health being seriously impaired, he resigned public work as pastor of Free St John's (May 17), although his Under the emperors the senate continued to have at least the Further trouble between Pippin and his father led to the So Cyrus put all his means at the disposal of Lysander in the Peloponnesian War, but denied them to his successor Callicratidas; by exerting his influence in Sparta, he brought it about that after the battle of Arginusae Lysander was sent out a second time as the real commander (though under a All attempts to induce Pippin to throw over his new protege failed, and from this time onward the of Denmark, as heir of the Schauenburg counts; but the suzerainty of Denmark was merely This union of the supreme fathers, however, was only Consider finding an online gym that offers downloads for a After the captivity and death of Valerian, Gallienus succeeded to a merely Series B, C and D (series A having already been completely redeemed by the action of the sinking fund) were replaced by the creation of new 4% bonds to a and Abd-ul-Mejid, and the second in the reign of Mahmud only, were not included in the reform; these were debased currencies bearing a The chief rabbi, who is the ecclesiastical head of the United Synagogue, has also a certain amount of authority over the provincial and colonial Jewries, but this is into a mere puppet, to concentrate all the power in his own hand, and to induce even his In the north Manuel enjoyed the homage of Antioch, which his father had gained in 1137, and the If Waynflete was headmaster from October 1441 to May 1442, his duties must have been little more than Khokand north of the Syrdaria was annexed to Russia, and the independence of the rest of the country became merely As on previous occasions, the great depreciation in the value of the currency has led to a repudiation of part of its 1-litherto the actual time of training had been less than the The authority of the City over the borough is now merely The heavy depreciation in silver causing large losses to the government, free coinage was suspended in 1880, and the In Dalmatia the Venetians III were too strong for her; but she helped materially to break up the Byzantine rule in the Balkan peninsula by assisting Stephen Nemanya to establish an independent Servian kingdom, originally under Nearly all the Laos country is now divided between France and Siam, and only a few tribes retain a In 1742 Walpole fell, and Carteret was his real, though not his By accusing the generals engaged at Acragas in the war against Carthage, by obtaining the restoration of exiles (no doubt others of the partisans of Hermocrates), by high-handed proceedings at Gela, he secured his own election first as one of the generals, then as sole general (or with a At first, as minister of police he had to suppress the insurrections provoked by the ultraRoyalists (the White Terror); then, after the resignation of the duc de Richelieu, he took the actual direction of the ministry, although the An American writer has expressed his satisf action that the day-labourer can now have on his table at a His attacks on the pilgrim caravans, begun in 1783 and constantly repeated, startled the Mahommedan world,' and compelled the attention of the sultan, as the In 1824 Turki, son of the unfortunate Abdallah, headed a rising which resulted in the re-establishment of the Wahhabi state with Riad as its new capital; and during the next ten years he consolidated his power, paying tribute to and under the Fearing a plan to kidnap him, he left Rome, ostensibly to meet the emperor, and from Sutri fled by night on horseback, pursued by 300 of the emperor's cavalry, to Civitavecchia, whence he took ship for Genoa and thence proceeded across the Alps to Lyons, at that time a merely The conqueror, 'Oqba-bin-Nafa, founded the city of Kairwan (673) which was the residence of the governors of "Ifrigiyah" under the Omayyads and thereafter the capital of the Aghlabite princes, the conquerors of Sicily, who ruled in merely When the seat of the Fatimite Empire was removed to Egypt, the Zirites, a house of the Sanhaja Berbers, ruled as their lieutenants at Mandia, and about 1050 Mo`izz the Zirite, in connexion with a religious movement against the Shiites, transferred his very He appears to have passed his time in journeys from place to place, and in 910 was the Until 1909, when a constitutional amendment was adopted, he had no power of veto, and his very limited Otto soon showed his intention of breaking with the policy of his father, who had been content with a Its connexion with the two former parts is little more than In 1252 the countship was sold to the bishops of Munster; but their rule soon became little more than 1377), grand-duke of Lithuania, was one of the seven sons of Gedymin, grand-duke of Lithuania, among whom on his death in 1341 he divided his domains, leaving the youngest, Yavnuty, in possession of the capital, Wilna, with a In this way Baldwin was able to make himself into practical suzerain of the three Christian principalities of the north, though the suzerainty was, and always continued to be, somewhat It was governed by a mayor and twelve aldermen, but by 1864 their privileges had become merely An attempt was made to utilize fully the abilities of this eminent administrator by creating him civil lieutenant-governor, in whom to concentrate both the real and the One of the peculiarities of the government was that in addition to the regular executive, legislative and judicial departments there was a privy council without whose approval the governor's power was little more than The process against him (Nicholas de la Fontaine being in the first instance the Alexander now turned his attention to securing the Western Isles, which still owned a As no time had been fixed for this operation to cease, it amounted to an unlimited increase of a kind of currency that circulated at a beautiful old age in his Concord home, the Orchard House,where every comfort was provided by his daughter Louisa, Alcott was gratified at being able to become the He was a man of strong ambitions, but these were curbed by a shrewd foresight, which led him for a long time to submit to the Where a man bargained and sold his land to another for pecuniary consideration, which might be merely A paper currency had been instituted, and the notes - currently known as " bluebacks "- soon dropped to less than half their in diameter; each weighs about 1116 tons, and has a The correspondence does not, however, extend to the stars; and some coincidences adverted to by Humboldt between the nakshatras and the zodiacal animals of Central Asia are of the same But unity was carried much further than this, and finally resulted in at least a Neither the time nor the place of Valdemar's birth is known, but he could not have been more than twenty when he became the BALDWIN V., the son of Sibylla (daughter of Amalric I.)

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nominal in a sentence definition
