Are there any fault lines in Michigan

This zone extends …

In Michigan it extends under Lake Superior and curves down through the central part of the lower peninsula. As recently as 1991, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 on the The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides During a major earthquake, you may hear a roaring or rumbling sound that gradually grows louder. Have a list of things that are top priority that must be taken no matter what and others that may also be taken if time and conditions permit. "If it goes north of that, we don't know, and we're not sure if goes further south. I’ve seen it near Lac La Belle where flood basalts on the northwest side override younger Jacobsville sandstones on the … "The occurrence of the May 2 quake would not make us hesitant to issue a permit for a well that would be hydraulically fractured because hydraulic fracturing itself is not generally associated with induced seismicity," he said. "When I heard the quake was in Kalamazoo, I figured it was probably that fault. A second or two later, you may feel shaking and find it difficult to stand up or move from one room to another.Most of the damage that occurs from earthquakes is from the shaking of the ground. That's a continuation of the movement started hundreds of millions years ago when the continent broke away from Africa.The May 2 quake provides a data point for predicting future seismic activity along the fault, Schmidt said.There are historical records that make reference to an earthquake that occurred in nearby Climax in 1883.

The biggest system of faults is associated with the failed Mid-Continent Rift of about 1.1 billion years ago. But there are others which lie deep within the Earth’s crust, obscured by a thick layer of soil, such that you might not even realize that you have been living in a fault zone all this while.

Now, 68 years after the Coldwater event, is another quake apparently along the same fault line. Michigan doesn't normally have earthquakes. There are 69 fault lines in Michigan all located in pen island. "However, based on the U.S. Geological Survey data, Schmidt said it appears the May 2 earthquake involved a strike-slip fault, a vertical fracture where the blocks move horizontally.At 12:23 p.m., the northeast side of the fault suddenly shifted northwest while the southwest side slid southeast, releasing tension between the blocks that had been building for years, Schmidt said.It was probably a movement of a few feet, "although that's a very off-the-wall guess," Schmidt said.That movement triggered a 4.2 magnitude earthquake felt in five states and southern Ontario.Like other scientists, Schmidt and Fujita said the quake appears to be the result of natural forces. "It's an old fault under strain. "This isn't a man-made quake," Schmidt said. pen is the a great website to visit and supplies an excellent map to extend your ability of complying the energies of these fault line plate tectonics. You may feel a rolling sensation that starts out gently and, within a second or two grows violent.You may first be jarred by a violent jolt. This information is useful for when you may be visiting other states where the earthquake risk is much higher than in Michigan.Some parts of Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee are on a fault line called New Madrid. Prioritize items that you can take with you when you leave your home. Sixty-four years later was Michigan's largest quake on record, the 1947 quake in Coldwater. There are 69 fault lines in Michigan all located in pen island. In the lengthy list of fault lines in the country, the major ones are the New Madrid fault line, Rampo fault line, etc. All rights reserved ( "A big reason for the mystery is the fault line is about four miles underground. Rather, scientists have determined earthquakes can be triggered by the high-pressure injection wells used to dispose of wastewater that is the byproduct of fracking. This map courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) shows the major earthquake hazard areas within the United States based on fault lines. "So in 65 years or so, we might -- exclamation point, might -- get another," Schmidt said.The quake also means future permit applications for drilling in southeast Kalamazoo County will get a closer look, said In the past few years, much has been made of the seeming connection between earthquakes and hydraulic fracturing -- also known as fracking --  to extract oil or gas.The problem isn't the fracking itself, Fitch and other experts say. Here are some important tips that can help you prepare in the event one may occur.A safe location to keep copies of important documents. There's periodic build up and release.

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Are there any fault lines in Michigan
